EthnOA - Open Access publication server for Ethnology

Publish Open Access free of charge: Submit your original work or republish texts via self-archiving

The open access publication server of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, edoc-Server, provides a separate section for texts from the ethnological subjects: the EthnOA publication server. Academically relevant publications are made available permanently and free of charge. Audiovisual media from the ethnological disciplines can be published in the EthnOA section of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin's media repository.

Publishing on EthnOA

If you want to publish via EthnOA, please proceed as follows:

  1. Check whether you have the necessary rights to (re)publish your works. If necessary, obtain the consent of the publisher and other rights holders.
  2. Contact us via: ethnoa-einreichen[at]
  3. Fill out and sign our publication agreement and send it to us (you are welcome to send a scan). In it, you also specify the Creative Commons license under which you would like to place your publication(s).
    - download the publication agreement for text publications (in German):
    - download the publication agreement for audiovisual media (in German):
  4. We accept the following document formats:
    - text publications: PDF, HTML
    - audiovisual media publications: MP4, WAV.

Do not hesitate to contact the EthnOA team with any questions or uncertainties. We will be happy to advise you on all questions regarding your publication on the EthnOA publication server.

EthnOA publication server

The documents are published under a Creative Commons license and receive a persistent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) as well as descriptive metadata, such as bibliographic information, keywords, and abstracts. This means that they are uniquely referenceable and can be found in the EVIFA search, the library catalog of Humboldt-Universität, the catalog of the German National Library and in comprehensive search engines such as BASE. The DINI-certified edoc-Server of the Humboldt-Universität, which was established in 1998, is also highly ranked in search engines such as Google.

This service also addresses researchers whose home institution does not provide a corresponding service, as well as researchers who are not affiliated with an institution but would still like to make their research results available to a broad academic audience. Documents published on the EthnOA publication server should correspond to the thematic and formal collection policy of the FID Social and Cultural Anthropology.



With any questions, please contact:

Dr. Kathleen Heft
Coordinator EthnOA-Project

Anja Rosenbaum
Publication Manager

Tel.: +49 30 2093-99294



EthnOA – Open Access in the ethnological disciplines supports and promotes the ongoing change in publication culture within Social and Cultural Anthropology. The project supports Open Access in both the golden and the green model and establishes sustainable structures for an ongoing examination of the possibilities and limitations of Open Access in Social and Cultural Anthropology. You can find out more about the project on the project page.

About Open Access

You can find introductory information on Open Access and various ways of implementing it in the Open Access Quick Start Guide of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Detailed information on Open Access in Social and Cultural Anthropology, with references to the debate within the discipline or to subject-specific Open Access journals, can be found on the Open Access information platform. The platform also offers compact, target group-specific introductions to the topic, collects news and events and provides support for the implementation of Open Access.