Summer School "Temporal Sounds"

The International Multimodal Summer School "Temporal Sounds" taking place from 26-30 August 2024 in Marburg focusses on the deeply interwoven relationship between sound and time. Application deadline: 28 February 2024



Temporal Sounds

26th Aug 2024 – 30th Aug 2024
Philipps-Universität Marburg/Germany


In view of complex mediatised worlds it is more and more important to sensitively design methodological approaches and other than textual modes of knowledge.

The Summer School invites students to experiment with sounds and acoustics in order to expand the range of methods and develop specific research questions: one exiting summer week full of sounds and listening, workshops in sound recording and editing, insights into artistic research and activist sound practice and input about formats such as audio papers and sound walks.

Get creative and discover the deeply interwoven relationship between sound and time!

The Summer School offers:

  • an online introductory session followed by a week on site
  • hands-on workshops with tools and methods like sound walks, sound editing, radio work or audio papers
  • insights into the international field of soundscape research
  • networking with others who work on/with sound(s)
  • reflections and discussions on multifaceted relationships of sound and time
  • impulses to rethink own research questions/projects and terms of sound research

During the 5 days on site, framing discussions and online project presentations alternate with various lectures and workshops that invite participants to experiment on their own.

We warmly invite (international) BA & MA students in Cultural Studies, Social Anthropology, History, Arts, Media, Performance Studies etc.

Please send your application in form of a letter of motivation (5000 characters max.) until 28/02/2024 to: summerschoolsekw[ at ]




Sign up contact

summerschoolsekw[ at ]