Call for Papers for Workshop

Feeling through Knowing, Trusting through Feeling. Binaries and their Dissolution in the Americas; part of DGSKA-Tagung 2023 @SozKultAnthro 25–28 July 2023 in Munich; deadline: 15 December 2022


  • Topic Call For PapersCall for Papers for Workshop
  • When to (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
  • Where München Germany
  • Download date as file event_note get iCal file


Call for Papers for Workshop: Feeling through Knowing, Trusting through Feeling. Binaries and their Dissolution in the Americas

Feelings are often seen as diametrically opposed to objective knowledge. Yet the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that trusted community members provided clarity amid general uncertainty by advocating for the use of vaccines (Silberner 2021). Still, there has been little analysis of their emotional expertise in creating community trust. What is knowledge without people who embody and feel it by vouching for, or trusting, it? For Dian Million (2009), felt knowledge is as scientifically relevant as seemingly objective knowledge. This includes powerful emotions such as trust and anger, which leave bodily traces. Similar to Gloria Anzaldúa, Kim TallBear, and other decolonial theorists, Million criticizes that emotions are often understood as subjective pollution of objective purity, which is why there continues to be little research on the affective facets of knowledge production.

This workshop aims to fill this theoretical and felt gap by discussing the connection between feelings and knowledge in the Americas. Through this we aim to elaborate on how knowledge is produced and received outside of our normative epistemological system, thus expanding our notion of what scientific knowledge means for anthropology.

Contributors to this workshop are invited to consider questions such as:

• What role do emotions play in seemingly objective truth?

• What is the relationship between emotional and scientific framings in political claims?

• What strategies can scholars develop to research knowledge through emotion?

• What may happen to knowledge production when the binary distinction between knowledge and feeling is erased?

Please send a text of max. 200 words directly to the workshop organizers:

Prof. Dr. Catherine Whittaker: Whittaker[ at ]

Friederike Hesselmann: f.hesselmann[ at ]

Deadline: 15 December 2022

Exposés workshops, labs and roundtables here
