Call for Workshops

The Vienna Anthropology Days 2024 (VANDA) are taking place in a hybrid form Sept 23-26, 2024. The Call for Workshops is now open and scholars from various field can apply until the 01.03.2024



Call for Workshops


VANDA is an international hybrid conference, taking place in the beautiful capital of Austria. It aims to bring together scholars from various fields of anthropology, social sciences and humanities. 


General Information

For the Regular Conference please submit a descriptive abstract of your workshop in English that should not exceed 300 words. There is no general conference theme, any research topic is welcome. Workshop organizers (PhD required) are free to choose their workshop formats (90 min per slot).

Young Scholar's Forum

Young scholars (BA or MA required) are welcome to submit a workshop to the Young Scholars' Forum. The requirements are the same as those for the regular conference (see above), the only additional one being the inclusion of at least one experienced researcher (PhD) as discussant. We encourage applicants to approach experienced scholars on their own.

Hybrid Format

In principle, all workshops should be offered in hybrid form. Workshop organizers are expected to be present in person, presentations can be given onsite or online via Zoom. All workshop rooms are technically equipped accordingly. 

Online Submission

Please use the online submission form, deadline for workshop submission is March 1st, 2024. The submitted workshop abstracts will be evaluated by the VANDA Organizing Committee until mid-March. Please do not include pre-selected papers to your proposal as there will be a general call for papers, open to everyone.

Call for Papers

After the Call for Papers (April 1st to June 1st), where people can submit their presentation/talk to one of the selected workshops, the submissions will be evaluated by the respective workshop organizers until mid-June.


For questions concerning the organization or the program:

Vienna Anthropology Days
Sept 23-26, 2024
Dept. of Social & Cultural Anthropology
NIG, University of Vienna
vanda[ at ]

For questions concerning the registration and submission:

University of Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-176 77
congress[ at ]


Nähere Informationen

Tel. +43-1-4277-176 77

congress[ at ]