- Was Stellenangebot — Academic Assistant
- Wann to (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
- Wo Heidelberg — Deutschland
- URL https://adb.zuv.uni-heidelberg.de/info/INFO_FDB$.startup?MODUL=LS&M1=1&M2=0&M3=0&PRO=36245
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The following position (full-time) is to be filled at the Institute of Social Anthropology at Heidelberg University from 01.04.2025 for an initial period of three years:
Academic Assistant
Postdoctoral researcher assigned to the chair of Prof. Dr. Annette Hornbacher
The vacancy is aimed at proven and motivated young academics and is linked to the requirement for further academic qualification. Under certain conditions, there is the possibility of an extension for a further three years.
Your tasks:
Your own scientific activities (second book) leading to a habilitation, along with teaching (4 SWS), the supervision of students in the BA and MA degree program in Ethnology and assistance with administrative tasks.
Your profile:
Desirable qualifications:
- a successfully completed doctorate in Anthropology,
- a regional specialization in insular Southeast Asia,
- and a theoretical focus of your own choice are preferred.
Teaching foci include: insular Southeast Asia and its transcultural networks, theories, cultural ecology, religious dynamics, political anthropology, intercultural ethics.
The position can be divided (e. g. amongst two people). Remuneration is according to EG 13 TV-L.
We look forward to receiving your application, with the usual documents (CV, certificates, list of publications, list of courses, selection of three publications) by 24.01.2025 in a PDF file by email
to Prof. Dr. Annette Hornbacher (Annette.Hornbacher[ at ]eth.uni-heidelberg.de)
and to the secretariat of the Institute of Social Anthropology (ethnologie[ at ]urz.uni-heidelberg.de).
The interview will take place on 12.02.2025. If you have any questions, please contact Gabriele Schenk Tel.: 0049 06221-54 15100; Email: ethnologie[ at ]urz.uni-heidelberg.de.
Heidelberg University stands for equal opportunities and diversity. Qualified female candidates are especially invited to apply. Persons with severe disabilities will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Information on job advertisements and the collection of personal data is available at www.uni-heidelberg.de/en/job-market.
Nähere Informationen
Gabriele Schenk
Dokumente senden an
Annette.Hornbacher[ at ]eth.uni-heidelberg.de