Postdoctoral Position

In the context of “Culture of Vigilance: Transformations – Spaces – Techniques”, Project B06 "Dilemmas of belonging and vigilance of Latinx" @LMU_Muenchen (salary grade 13 TV-L/100%); deadline: 9 June 2023



Postdoctoral Position

Project B06 "Dilemmas of belonging and vigilance of Latinx"

Salary grade 13 TV-L/100%.
This temporary position is available from 1 July 2023 (negotiable) until 30 June 2027

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, one of Europe’s leading universities, calls for applicants in the context of the interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Centre (Sonderforschungsbereich 1369) “Culture of Vigilance: Transformations – Spaces – Techniques”.
This Centre investigates the historical and cultural foundations of vigilance, which refers to a linking of individual attentiveness to goals set by others. The CRC invites applications for a project in social and cultural anthropology to investigate “Dilemmas of belonging and vigilance of Latinx racialized as migrants
in the US-Mexico borderlands”. This project examines ambiguities of belonging to understand how individuals’ practices and self-formation change when they become socially mobile. To this end, the project will scrutinise social spaces that are characterised by elite formation and upward social mobility in the borderland context. The project is led by Professor Eveline Dürr.

Your responsibilities

  • conduct research (including fieldwork) in the context of this project (with an opportunity for a Habilitation)
  • prepare and participate in publications
  • support and organize academic events and activities
  • participate in and help organize the events of the integrated doctoral research training group of the Collaborative Research Centre

Your profile

  • candidates should have completed their doctorate in the field of Social and Cultural Anthropology with outstanding results
  • ethnographic fieldwork experience is a requirement
  • excellent command of English and Spanish is required; good communication skills in German are an advantage
  • candidates should demonstrate their openness towards working in an interdisciplinary context as well as an interest in theoretical questions

Applicants with disabilities who possess essentially equal qualifications will be given preference. LMU Munich is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity, and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Please submit the following application documents electronically by 9 June 2023 to Professor Eveline Dürr Eveline.Duerr[ at ]

A) As one pdf file

1. Application letter (letter of motivation)
2. Curriculum vitae
3. List of publications and list of courses taught
4. Degree certificates
5. Names and contact details of two referees

B) As a separate pdf file

6. Pdf of your doctoral dissertation

full job posting here


Nähere Informationen

Professor Eveline Dürr

Eveline.Duerr[ at ]