Call for Papers: Digitalisierung, Geschlecht und Intersektionalität (fzg27|2021)

This is a Call for Papers of „Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien“ . Submission deadline will be 31 March 2020.



The editorial bord is looking for articles, that deal with the following questions STS scholars could contribute to:

  • How should digitalization be conceived from gender, queertheoretical and intersectional perspectives?
  • Which discourses address digitalization in different social contexts? How can these be analysed and in what way does gendering become apparent?
  • What parallel worlds have resulted from digitalization? And how are these new technosocial realities, such as the Darknet, structurally related to gender aspects?
  • To what extent do gendering processes matter in the fields of digital humanities, technical and media pedagogics, museology, science communication?
  • What findings result from empirical approaches to information sciences, the worlds of work and use of devices, into which gendering processes and the impact of digitalization are already being inscribed? What is happening to the situation of women* in an increasingly digitalized world, to the relationship between the public and private realms and between the employment and care sectors?
  • What contributions can the history of technology and the philosophy of technology made to the theme of digitalization and gender?
